Embrace the Power of Compassion: Support Solstice Sanctuary on Giving Tuesday!

Embrace the Power of Compassion: Support Solstice Sanctuary on Giving Tuesday! image


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Shine Bright on Giving Tuesday: Illuminate Hope for Animals with Solstice Sanctuary!

This year's Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us in making a difference in the lives of animals and humans alike.

Our goal is to raise $1,000 with a dollar to dollar match from Johnson Financial Group. We specially want to thank them for their match donation this year!

Solstice Sanctuary's mission is to be a healing center that nurtures both animals and humans. Our sanctuary offers a safe and loving environment for animals who have experienced trauma or need a home. By intertwining the power of the land with the resilience of these animals, we've witnessed the remarkable transformation that can occur when healing is shared full circle.

Below we've shared some of the incredible stories of the sanctuary resident's and their healing journey.

Join us in illuminating hope, kindness, and compassion this Giving Tuesday.

Bodhi - Horse Adoptable!

Bodhi was rescued from a loose pen at an auction in Iowa in November of 2022. He was approximately 7 months old. He was covered in ticks, lice and full of parasites. After many months in quarantine he finally started to gain weight and show us his horsinality. He is a wonderful and confident yearling who has all the basics! He knows how to lunge, carry a saddle, walk with a hula hoop, play with the flag, and is very desensitized to scary objects.

Bodhi turned 1 in February of 2023. We are looking for a home for Bodhi where someone can share the journey from the start with an amazing young horse. If you think Bodhi could be the right fit for you, please reach out!

Josie - Horse

Josie was rescued as a 4-month-old filly from Texas, in November of 2021, with a "healed" broken leg. When the team saw her video we knew she needed help or else she would be sent to slaughter. Along with a healed broken leg Josie came in with strangles and digestive issues. A year later we took update radiographs and the leg is healing in a way that gives her a wonderful prognosis for life. Amazingly, she does not let her leg limit her, and she loves to buck and run around the indoor arena. She is a sweet soul and growing into such a lovely horse.

Juniper - Mini Hereford Cow

Juniper, arrived at the sanctuary extremely underweight with troubling blood results. She was rescued from a situation in Texas where she lived her life tied to a tree with minimal hay. We were concerned she would have a difficult time making it through her first winter. She was immediately started on a feedback program and given immune supporting herbs and essential oils.

Two months later her blood results showed improvement. We continued her on that program and the following year her bloodwork showed she was a healthy “normal” cow. She now lives her life out on a lush pasture. She has started to gain trust with people and enjoys being scratched, her favorite spot is under her neck.

Neko & Nala - Mini Donkeys

Nala was rescued in November of 2021. She went from an auction to a kill pen, on the path to slaughter. She came to the Sanctuary alongside her pasture mate Neko. At intake she was extremely skittish, especially when it came to men. She also had overgrown hooves. After a month in quarantine Nala started to trust humans.

When she was moved to the Sanctuary, she started to brey. After years of not feeling comfortable to call and make her sound, she did and it was quite a surprising sound. As she became stronger and more confident, she would call every time her feed was coming, and she really started to trust people. Nala now loves to greet people in hopes of a cookie. She is extremely sweet and loves scratches on her tail head.

Neko, a 10-year-old donkey, was rescued from an auction where he was at risk of going to slaughter. At intake his hooves were curled from lack of care. He is a sweet boy who loves cuddles!

Irvin - Donkey

Irvin is the pillar of Solstice Sanctuary. He was our first official rescue and takes his title seriously. Irvin was saved from an auction in April of 2021. He spent three weeks in quarantine before he arrived at the Sanctuary. At intake Irvin was extremely underweight, suffering from a respiratory infection, covered in lice and he had sustained an eye injury. We believed him to be about 7 months old.

Irvin was extremely weak and needed our help to get out of the trailer. As he started to feel better, we started to see the real donkey underneath. He was full of SASS! To this day he still thinks its ok to bite people. Irvin is silly, talkative, lively, opinionated, and a star on the Dodo! He has two videos where his story is featured on the Dodo.

Irvin Dodo Video #1
Irvin Dodo Video #2